OpenRail ConceptStation

Settings - Skybox

In the backstage, we added several new background overrides.

You can reach this box by clicking on the "Open the backstage" button at the top-left of the screen.

Then click on Settings.

You can access the Background Override pull-down menu from there. By clicking on it, you will get the following:

Sky - Uses a spherical or cylindrical texture mapped to the far plane (infinitely far away).

Gradient 4 Color - Same as sky option, but the texture is a gradient created by the app from color values.

Changing the Texture or Gradient Colors

To change the texture or gradient colors, you need to edit a java script file. The file (relative to the install directory) is ConceptStation/javascript/js/Settings_General.js. We ship a default spherical-mapped sky texture with the app. We only support spherical/cylindrical; cubemaps are not compatible. These settings and the default values are very similar to background settings in Microstation.

Below is the highlighted portion of the javascript file that can be tweaked to change background settings. Color values are RGB(A).


Spherical sky texture:

2 Gradient:

4 Gradient (has the best ground-sky transition of the two gradients):